Finance & Economics

This Is the Average Social Security Benefit for Age 66

We should all be planning for our retirement by estimating how much we'll need t...

3 Reasons to Consider Switching Your Medicare Advantage...

We're a month into the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, but don't worr...

Claiming Social Security at 62 Isn't the Risky Move You...

Don't assume you'll regret your decision to take benefits early.

Here's How Long It'll Take You to Save the Average 401(...

With the decline in pensions and Social Security losing buying power, 401(k)s ha...

If I Could Tell All Retirees 1 Thing About Social Secur...

There are several important things you should know about Social Security. For ex...

This Was the Average Social Security Benefit in 2005, a...

A lot has changed over the past 20 years. In 2005, the iPhone didn't exist, YouT...

5 Reasons Florida Is the Best State for Retirees -- and...

While many plan to remain in their homes throughout retirement, others seek a fr...

Here's How Much the Average Woman Gets From Social Secu...

We've made some progress as a society with the gender pay gap, but there's still...

This Is the Average Social Security Benefit for Age 62

There aren't many social programs in the U.S. that have had as much of a positiv...

Social Security: The Stealth Way You May Be Getting Dou...

It's a point of contention for many Americans receiving benefits.

Over 3 Million Retirees' Social Security Benefits Are A...

The Social Security Fairness Act could give some retirees a big raise.

3 Little-Known Social Security Rules All Married Retire...

Married couples often benefit from dual incomes, which makes saving for retireme...

This Is the Average 401(k) Balance by Salary -- Plus 1 ...

Contributing to a 401(k) is one of the easiest and most effective ways to save f...

President Donald Trump Wants to Change Social Security,...

Shortsighted actions can have big-time consequences for retired workers.

It's True: These 13 States Don't Tax Retirement Income

The Beatles struck a chord in more ways than one with their 1966 song "Taxman." ...

I'm Not Counting on Social Security COLAs to Carry Me T...

There's a reason Social Security benefits are eligible for an automatic cost-of-...

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