The surprising truth about being happier at work
The true predictor of workplace happiness is not what you might think.

The difference between dreading your job and thriving at work often comes down to just one critical element. Jessica Weiss, happiness expert, joined TheStreet to discuss the overlooked truth about workplace satisfaction that outperforms salary, benefits, and even job titles.
Related: More money won't make you happier at work
Full Video Transcript Below:
JESSICA WEISS: There is one thing, one thing that outweighs everything else. And it is this idea that we all need friends at work. I think so many of us think that your friends in life and you go to work, and who needs friends at work. Work is about work, and friends is about your life after work. But the truth is, the key to happiness at work is having friends at work. And I'm not saying multiples. One friend at work will be absolutely enough to transform the way you feel about work.
So I think there's a number of reasons why. I think the first one is it's this idea that when you come into work, you matter. Somebody is excited to see you. You're making an impact. You have connections. You're not just kind of going through the motions. You're a real person who's existing in this place where there are lots of other people. That's the first one. The second one is, and there's been a ton of research about this is when people have friends at work, they are more productive. They are more creative. They are more likely to recommend the place where they work to somebody else. So all of that emanates from this idea that you have one friend at work. It's amazing. And it's so easy. But so many of us assume that no, no, no, no friends at work. Work is business and friends is friends. And the thing I say that is most transformative about happiness at work is finding a friend at work.