Research links: fighting for a better deal
Tuesdays are all about academic (and practitioner) literature at Abnormal Returns. You can check out last week’s edition including a look at...
- The costs of rebalancing are real. (
- How to use threshold-based rebalancing for target-date funds. (
- Tracking a total market index comes with its own costs. (
- Just how over-optimistic are sports bettors? (
- In surveys, how you ask people about their well-being matters. (
- How misogyny helps explain the gender wage gap. (
- Political stability matters for investors. (
- The U.S. is segregating itself on partisan lines. (
- Is there a bubble in private credit? Not yet. (
- Tactical asset allocation funds are a persistent disappointment. (
- Do rising pair-wise correlations show the downside of indexing? (
- The three factors driving U.S. vs. international equity market performance. (
- Did real assets hedge post-Covid inflation shocks? Not really. (
- The sponsors of structured products want you to benchmark to the wrong number. (
- Options listings provide companies with valuable information. (
- On the fading of the turn-of-the-month effect. (
- Risk attitudes are not constant across countries. (
- 18 lessons from the Great Recession. (