Longform links: embracing risk
Thursdays are all about longform links on Abnormal Returns. Wherever possible, free links for premium sites are used. You can check out...

- A Q&A with John Green, author of "Everything Is Tuberculosis: The History and Persistence of Our Deadliest Infection" (forbes.com)
- An unpublished excerpt from "Air-Borne: The Hidden History of the Life We Breathe," by Carl Zimmer. (sequencermag.com)
- An excerpt from Clay Risen’s forthcoming book, "Red Scare: Blacklists, McCarthyism, and the Making of Modern America." (theatlantic.com)
- A Q&A with Leslie McCall about income inequality and misperceptions thereof. (behavioralscientist.org)
Public health
- Five years on, what Covid wrought in the U.S. including 'It broke our faith in public health.' (nytimes.com)
- Some of the top vape brands in the U.S. flout regulators. (bloomberg.com)
- Recessions are temporary, but have permanent impacts. (kyla.substack.com)
- Will economic boycotts ever work in the U.S.? (moneywithkatie.com)
- What we can learn from the first Gilded Age in America. (politico.com)
- With so much uncertainty in the world, it's no wonder people feel the need to hoard cash. (abnormalreturns.com)
- Scam calls are a global problem. (macleans.ca)
- Is China's economy underperforming? (noahpinion.blog)
- Why Israeli intelligence missed signs of October 7th. (wsj.com)
- Jet engines are really hard to build. (construction-physics.com)
- Our energy is right beneath us: the case for geothermal. (newyorker.com)
- Some people take the NYTimes Connections puzzle very seriously. (insidehook.com)
- How rappers joined the booze business. (tastecooking.com)
- Do we really want chatbots of the dead? (aeon.co)
- A profile of Tyler Cowen. (economist.com)