New Headlines Overlook U.S. Economic Strength
Volatility and Corrections are Part of Equity Investing The equity market tends to see a correction every 18 months or so. Most corrections are recovered in a short period of time (exhibit 1). Bear markets are rarer and are usually associated with a recession. If it is not a recession-induced bear market, it is probably [...] The post New Headlines Overlook U.S. Economic Strength appeared first on ETF Trends.

Volatility and Corrections are Part of Equity Investing The equity market tends to see a correction every 18 months or so. Most corrections are recovered in a short period of time (exhibit 1). Bear markets are rarer and are usually associated with a recession. If it is not a recession-induced bear market, it is probably [...]
The post New Headlines Overlook U.S. Economic Strength appeared first on ETF Trends.