Research links: your web presence
Tuesdays are all about academic (and practitioner) literature at Abnormal Returns. You can check out last week’s edition including a look at...

Tune Out the Noise
- You can now watch the Errol Morris documentary 'Tune Out the Noise.' (
- Why DFA helped make the movie. (
Quant stuff
- Almost all quants owe a debt to the late Barr Rosenberg. (
- Some recent academic research including 'Wikipedia Page Views and Stock Performance.' (
- The case against chartists. (
- How markets respond to changing geopolitical risks. (
- Markets don't like the risk of war. (
- What people would be willing to pay to skip out on business cycles. (
- How institutional ownership helps home renters, but harms buyers. (
- How political views skew opinions of the Fed. (
- Why credit card banking is so profitable. (
- If you can identify what economic regime we are in, you can better forecast factor returns. (
- Transaction costs can eliminate profits on any sort of short term anomaly. (
- How value investing research dovetails with what some of the best investors do/did. (
- You can't just buy the fastest growing companies. (
- An argument for ESG funds - lower fees. (
- Good companies have great websites. (