The Case for Using International ETFs to Diversify Portfolios
As advisors look to diversify client portfolios, international equity ETFs may be worth consideration. Diversification should be a key area of focus this year, amid an uncertain economic outlook and potential for uneven market returns after the policy changes implemented by the new administration. Diversifying portfolios with international exposure may help spread out risk. Advisors [...] The post The Case for Using International ETFs to Diversify Portfolios appeared first on ETF Trends.

As advisors look to diversify client portfolios, international equity ETFs may be worth consideration. Diversification should be a key area of focus this year, amid an uncertain economic outlook and potential for uneven market returns after the policy changes implemented by the new administration. Diversifying portfolios with international exposure may help spread out risk. Advisors [...]
The post The Case for Using International ETFs to Diversify Portfolios appeared first on ETF Trends.