Here's How Far the Average Spousal Social Security Check Goes in Retirement
Social Security retirement benefits can go a long way toward helping you pay for your retirement expenses, but to qualify for them, you need to earn at least 40 work credits. One credit is defined as $1,810 in earnings in 2025, and you can earn a maximum of four credits per year.If you stayed out of the workforce to care for children or an ill family member, you may not have the work history you need to claim retirement benefits. But you could still qualify for spousal Social Security benefits if you're married. Here's a closer look at how much the average spousal benefit actually covers.Image source: Getty Images.Continue reading

Social Security retirement benefits can go a long way toward helping you pay for your retirement expenses, but to qualify for them, you need to earn at least 40 work credits. One credit is defined as $1,810 in earnings in 2025, and you can earn a maximum of four credits per year.
If you stayed out of the workforce to care for children or an ill family member, you may not have the work history you need to claim retirement benefits. But you could still qualify for spousal Social Security benefits if you're married. Here's a closer look at how much the average spousal benefit actually covers.
Image source: Getty Images.