Here's How Many Shares of AT&T You Should Own to Get $1,000 in Yearly Dividends
Dividend-paying stocks are hard to beat for income. If you're retired, you can use that money for your living expenses, and if you're still far from retirement, you might simply reinvest those dividends into more shares of stock -- perhaps shares that will start kicking out dividend income of their own. Dividends are a beautiful thing.Let's say that you're looking to collect around $1,000 per year in dividends, and you're interested in investing in telecom giant AT&T (NYSE: T). How many shares do you need to buy? A little simple math will get you the answer.Image source: Getty Images.Continue reading

Dividend-paying stocks are hard to beat for income. If you're retired, you can use that money for your living expenses, and if you're still far from retirement, you might simply reinvest those dividends into more shares of stock -- perhaps shares that will start kicking out dividend income of their own. Dividends are a beautiful thing.
Let's say that you're looking to collect around $1,000 per year in dividends, and you're interested in investing in telecom giant AT&T (NYSE: T). How many shares do you need to buy? A little simple math will get you the answer.
Image source: Getty Images.