Diversify Your Income Portfolio With Actively Managed PAPI
The latest data from the Federal Reserve reflects a diminished outlook for growth this year. With stagflation and recession concerns on the rise, investors looking to hedge their income in quality companies would do well to consider the Parametric Equity Premium Income ETF (PAPI). The most recent FOMC meeting revealed Federal Reserve members lowering expectations [...] The post Diversify Your Income Portfolio With Actively Managed PAPI appeared first on ETF Trends.

The latest data from the Federal Reserve reflects a diminished outlook for growth this year. With stagflation and recession concerns on the rise, investors looking to hedge their income in quality companies would do well to consider the Parametric Equity Premium Income ETF (PAPI). The most recent FOMC meeting revealed Federal Reserve members lowering expectations [...]
The post Diversify Your Income Portfolio With Actively Managed PAPI appeared first on ETF Trends.