Berkshire Hathaway A: Buy, Sell, Hold, or Convert?
Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) is one of the most well known companies on Wall Street, largely because the company is the investment vehicle of investing icon Warren Buffett. If you want to invest alongside Buffett, however, you can buy one of two share classes of the company.The easy answer for most investors will be to buy the B shares. But what about the buy, sell, hold, or convert decisions with the A shares?If you have a massive amount of money, you might consider buying Berkshire Hathaway A shares. Massive might even be an understatement, since each A share costs over $748,000.Continue reading

Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) is one of the most well known companies on Wall Street, largely because the company is the investment vehicle of investing icon Warren Buffett. If you want to invest alongside Buffett, however, you can buy one of two share classes of the company.
The easy answer for most investors will be to buy the B shares. But what about the buy, sell, hold, or convert decisions with the A shares?
If you have a massive amount of money, you might consider buying Berkshire Hathaway A shares. Massive might even be an understatement, since each A share costs over $748,000.