1 Vanguard ETF to Buy With $100 and Hold Forever
Investing is best when it's focused on the long term, as this allows compounding to work its magic uninterrupted. Buying and selling individual stocks can be lucrative, but success is not a sure thing, and it's rare to find businesses that investors can own indefinitely.That's why I believe one of the best things you can do is consider owning an exchange-traded fund (ETF). And there's one leading asset manager that offers some of the best products out there. Here's one Vanguard ETF to buy with $100 right now and hold forever.Investors are probably familiar with the S&P 500 index. This is the most closely watched indicator of the stock market's performance. It contains the largest 500 businesses in the U.S., and by owning this collection of stocks, investors get to bet on American entrepreneurship, growth, and innovation.Continue reading

Investing is best when it's focused on the long term, as this allows compounding to work its magic uninterrupted. Buying and selling individual stocks can be lucrative, but success is not a sure thing, and it's rare to find businesses that investors can own indefinitely.
That's why I believe one of the best things you can do is consider owning an exchange-traded fund (ETF). And there's one leading asset manager that offers some of the best products out there. Here's one Vanguard ETF to buy with $100 right now and hold forever.
Investors are probably familiar with the S&P 500 index. This is the most closely watched indicator of the stock market's performance. It contains the largest 500 businesses in the U.S., and by owning this collection of stocks, investors get to bet on American entrepreneurship, growth, and innovation.