The Grim Reality of President Donald Trump's Social Security Plan

What's popular and well-intentioned isn't always what's financially best for Social Security.

Mar 8, 2025 - 09:50
The Grim Reality of President Donald Trump's Social Security Plan

For most current and future retirees, Social Security income isn't a luxury or optional. It's a source of income that most will rely on to cover their expenses as they age.

In each of the previous 23 years, national pollster Gallup has conducted surveys to gauge how reliant retirees are on the Social Security income they receive. Between 80% and 90% of respondents, including 88% last year, noted it was needed, in some capacity, to make ends meet.

Despite Social Security being foundational to the financial well-being of our nation's aging workforce, the program's own foundation is anything but sound. The financial outlook for this program is deteriorating, and the American public is counting on its elected officials, which includes President Donald Trump, to strengthen Social Security.

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