Statistically, There Is a Superior Social Security Claiming Age -- and This Is It
A comprehensive analysis finds that one age within the traditional claiming range (62 through 70) is likeliest to maximize lifetime Social Security income.

In January, roughly 52 million retired-worker beneficiaries received an average check from Social Security totaling $1,978.77. While this is a relatively modest monthly payout, it's proved vital to helping retirees make ends meet.
A recently updated analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that Social Security lifted 22 million people above the federal poverty line in 2023, including 16.3 million adults aged 65 and over. If Social Security didn't exist, the poverty rate for seniors would be nearly four times higher -- an estimated 37.3% without Social Security, compared to 10.1% including the program.
Additionally, more than two decades of annual surveys from Gallup have shown that between 80% and 90% of retirees, including 88% in April 2024, lean on their Social Security income to cover at least some portion of their expenses.