Food recipes, that is. But cooking is kind of like programming and other computer efforts, isn’t it? Although it might not seem obvious, there is a very close connection between Coding and Cooking, as they are similar in many ways, to name a few they both need creativity, and have a solid foundation from where […]
Food recipes, that is. But cooking is kind of like programming and other computer efforts, isn’t it?
Although it might not seem obvious, there is a very close connection between Coding and Cooking, as they are similar in many ways, to name a few they both need creativity, and have a solid foundation from where they develop their activity. You can just follow a recipe, but in order to re-interpret traditional dishes, some inventiveness is required. In coding you can create a programme based on an instruction set or you can remix a project using your imagination. Sky is the limit!
Aside from coding, when I first figure out a manual sequence of steps, for example to configure a Linux OS for a specific task, or how to get something deployed, I refer to it as a “recipe” at least until it’s scripted and/or automated.
As I cook more and learn more dishes—and start having personal preferences for certain ingredients—I’ve started putting them in a repository on Github:
A lot of my current recipes started by looking at various websites and combining them together. And then specializing it for my own whims and typical ingredients I have on hand and cooking equipment I have. Where I live in Los Angeles, gas is very cheap but electricity is expensive, so I try to do as much as possible on the gas range.