All the Travel and Outdoor Gear You Need From the Patagonia Winter Sale
Stock up with up to 40 percent off some of Patagonia's best-selling items.
![All the Travel and Outdoor Gear You Need From the Patagonia Winter Sale](
Heads up, travelers. One of the most innovative and boundary-pushing companies in the outdoor gear and clothing industry kicked off a massive sale on January 16. Patagonia’s winter sale encompasses men’s and women’s clothes, packs, and even the company’s backcountry-ready food line, Patagonia Provisions. Matador rounded up the coolest items in the sale below, and you can browse the entire selection via Patagonia’s dedicated sales page – the only place these discounts are available.
We hope you love the Patagonia Winter Sale! Just so you know, Matador may collect a small commission from the links on this page if you decide to make a purchase.
Snow gear at 50 percent off during the Patagonia winter sale
All snow gear in the sale is 50 percent off, making this an excellent time to stock up on everything for spring resort skiing and those big-mountain expeditions that can only happen once the snowpack stabilizes. Check all of the men’s gear on sale as well as the women’s gear on sale. The iconic Powder Town line jumped out.
Men’s and Women’s Insulated Powder Town Jacket – 30 percent off
Patagonia’s most dependable ski jacket is seen on slopes all over the world for a reason — it keeps you warm, dry, and looking good on the slopes. Men’s and women’s options are available in this iconic 2-layer H2No® Performance Standard shell that can cover a fleece or underlayer, or serve as the primary source of protection in spring.
Price: $278.99
Men’s and Women’s Insulated Powder Town Pants – 30 percent off
Pair the Powder Town Pants with the jacket for a full new setup, or just grab the pants. The author has been wearing a pair of these for several years and they’re still in excellent condition — I expect to get at least a decade of heavy use out of them because of how well they’re built.
Price: $187.99
Women’s Powder Town Bibs – 30 percent off
![woman in patagonia powder town bibs](
Photo courtesy Patagonia
If you spend time freeriding or in the backcountry, bibs are all the rage these days. They allow for extra protection and warmth while being extra flexible due to the lack of a belted waist. This means you can turn and huck easier. I switched to bibs for backcountry touring this year and will never go back. And at this price point, it’s a no-brainer.
Price: $208.99
Top clothing at the Patagonia winter sale
Check out the full rundown of clothes in the Patagonia Winter Sale.
Patagonia Women’s Down Sweater – 30 percent off
![woman in patagonia womens down sweater](
Photo: Patagonia
Style and performance is the backbone of the Patagonia Women’s Down Sweater, and it’s built partially from recycled fishing nets and responsibly-sourced down. The jacket is available in a series of color schemes and is versatile enough for wearing from fall through winter and spring. Down jackets, aka puffies, are such a staple of mountain fashion that you’d be out of place without one across much of the American west (or east, for that matter), and if the time has come for a new one, there’s no better time to grab one.
Price: $194.99
Patagonia Women’s Triolet Jacket – 30 percent off
![woman in patagonia womens triolet jacket](
Photo: Patagonia
GORE-TEX is the best way to protect yourself from the elements at altitude, and Patagonia’s Women’s Triolet Jacket offers it in a fashionable outer-shell jacket that will keep you warm and dry no matter the conditions. Built from recycled polyester and lacking PFAS entirely, the jacket is a responsible choice that looks as good as it performs. There’s still most of ski season remaining, and this jacket will make yours much more enjoyable.
Price: $313.99
Patagonia Women’s Micro D Fleece Joggers
![woman in patagonia micro fleece joggers](
Photo: Patagonia
Running during the colder months requires a good set of joggers, and this pair from Patagonia leads the pack for comfort and performance. They’re versatile enough for the gym, yoga, or travel days, as well, so you’re sure to get plenty of use from a piece of clothing you got at a steep discount. The elasticized waist band fits all, and the pants are made in a Fair Trade Certified factory.
Price: $68.99
Patagonia Men’s Nano Puff Jacket – 40 percent off
![man in patagonia mens nano puff jacket](
Photo: Patagonia
The classic Men’s Nano Puff Jacket is marked down to the lowest it’ll likely reach all year on Patagonia’s site. Recycled polyester and reduced-emissions production processes make this a more eco-friendly puffy than most on the market. A full spectrum of colors is available to match your style palette.
Price: $142.99
Patagonia Men’s Lightweight Insulated Fjord Flannel Shirt
![man in patagonia fjord flannel](
Photo: Patagonia
No piece of clothing better defines mountain style than flannel, and this option from Patagonia is pretty darn good-looking. No matter the color scheme you’ll get recycled polyester insulation inside a Cotton in Conversion exterior with adjustable cuffs and a shirttail hem. The Fjord Flannel is warm, comfy, and perfect for travel days.
Price: $138.99
Top outdoor gear at the Patagonia winter sale
Check out the full rundown of gear in the Patagonia Winter Sale.
Fitz Roy down sleeping bag – 30 percent off
![patagonia fitz roy sleeping bag](
Photo: Patagonia
An expedition to climb Fitz Roy in Patagonia is a big part of the legend behind how Yvon Choinard founded the company. The Fitz Roy down sleeping bag carries on the story, mummy style, to keep you comfortable down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The bag features 800-fill down made in a Fair Trade Certified factory with a sculpted foot box, chest pocket, and head space. The bag can handle many winter and off-season camping trips even at altitude.
Price: $390.99
Descensionist Snowpack 37L – 30 percent off
![man wearing patagonia desecensionist pack](
Photo: Patagonia
If you’re into ski touring or splitboarding, a good backpack is the difference between a successful day in the field and a frustrating one. Patagonia’s Descensionist Snowpack has spaces for avalanche safety gear and everything you’ll need for either a daytrip or multi-day trip in the backcountry. Because it’s 37L, you can pack food and stuff for an overnight at a hut or established camp without having to take anything out that you might need during the day. And it’s pyramid-esque design helps maintain weight distribution across your back and shoulders.
Price: $194.99
Top travel gear at the Patagonia winter sale
Check out the full rundown of travel gear in the Patagonia Winter Sale.
Patagonia Black Hole Duffel 55L – 30 percent off and 100L – 20 percent off
![man holding patagonia black hole duffel](
Photo: Patagonia
If you have an expedition-style trip coming up or otherwise need to haul a whole lotta gear across distances near or far and are worried about being able to fit everything you need, the Patagonia Black Hole Duffel 55L is your answer. The duffel allows you to organize gear, clothes, and other necessities in a manner that you can view from above each item you’ve packed, as though you’re looking down at your travel setup from the heavens. The pack is made of 100% recycled body fabric, lining, and webbing, and includes straps that make it wearable as a backpack or carryable by hand. For a moderate up-front investment, you’ll have a pack you can travel with for the rest of your life. The 100-L roller duffel is also discounted, for when you need ski or mountaineering gear, as are most other duffel options.
Price: $117.99
Also on sale: The Patagonia Black Hole Hip Pack Mini, the most versatile 1L hip pack on the market.
Check out Matador’s complete review of the Patagonia Black Hole Duffel
Patagonia Refugio 25L Daypack – 31 percent off
![woman wearing patagonia refugio daypack](
Photo: Patagonia
Matador’s commerce editor got a Refugio daypack in 2023 and has hardly taken it off since, using it not only as his daily driver for remote work and coworking bike commutes but as a daypack for global travel as well. The pack has a dedicated laptop sleeve with extra space for additional work gear, and a separate large pouch for stuff like clothes, food, and other necessities. There are water bottle holders on each side so you can carry both water and a coffee mug. And the pack is big enough that it fits everything for a day with ease, but small enough that it can compress down nearly flat for packing inside a larger suitcase or backpack on travel days.
Price: $75.99