3 Stocks Warren Buffett Just Bought
When the stock market falls, investors can always find encouragement to stay the course by seeing relatively low portfolio turnover at Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire had held large positions in several stocks for years. Buffett has an unrivaled investing record based on his willingness to pounce when attractive opportunities present themselves and staying focused on the long-term value of the business when Wall Street is panicking.In the fourth quarter, Berkshire was buying more shares of Constellation Brands (NYSE: STZ), Pool (NASDAQ: POOL), and Domino's Pizza (NASDAQ: DPZ). Here's what three Fool.com contributors think about these opportunities.Jeremy Bowman (Constellation Brands): Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway buys and sells stocks every quarter, typically favoring proven winners with reliable business models and evident competitive advantages.Continue reading

When the stock market falls, investors can always find encouragement to stay the course by seeing relatively low portfolio turnover at Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire had held large positions in several stocks for years. Buffett has an unrivaled investing record based on his willingness to pounce when attractive opportunities present themselves and staying focused on the long-term value of the business when Wall Street is panicking.
In the fourth quarter, Berkshire was buying more shares of Constellation Brands (NYSE: STZ), Pool (NASDAQ: POOL), and Domino's Pizza (NASDAQ: DPZ). Here's what three Fool.com contributors think about these opportunities.
Jeremy Bowman (Constellation Brands): Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway buys and sells stocks every quarter, typically favoring proven winners with reliable business models and evident competitive advantages.